Shaolin monks were most famous for their staff techniques. Being Buddhists, Shaolin monks were averred to drawing blood, so the Staff was an ideal weapon. All Shaolin practitioners must be proficient at staff. Known as the ・・Father of all weapons,・・ staff is indispensable for weapons training because all other weapon techniques have variations of staff fundamentals. This Shaolin Staff set was famous across nine different provinces of China for its devastating techniques.
- Northern Shaolin Book Vol 1ツby GM Wing Lam
- Northern Shaolin Book Vol 2 by GM Wing Lam
- Ultimate Iron Palm Book by GM Wing Lam
DVD Features:
- 12 lessons with applications
- English 3.1 channelツ
- Full Screen Formatツ
- Chapter Indexツ
- Instructional Trailers
- 1984 All Kung-Fu Masters Exhibitionsツ
- Kick Magazine Interviewツ
- Kwoon in the old daysツ
- Photo Gallery