Song Dynasty Qigong Eight Section Brocade by Shifu Jiang Jianye

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Eight Section Brocade is one of the more popular among the many styles of Qigong. It requires no equipment, very little space, and is easily practiced by old and young alike. Good for improving health, preventing disease and treating existing health conditions.

Shifu Jianye Jiang was born in 1950 and has studied Wushu since he was 5 years old, learning from well-known masters such as Yu Mingwei, Yu Hai, and many others. He received a BA and master's degree from Qufu University and Shanghai Physical Education Institute. A national and international judge in China and the U.S., he is also a master calligrapher and winner of national and international awards. Sales of his calligraphy have garnered more than $10,000; all of which was donated to the Shandong Disabled Association. He has also acted in movies produced in China, Australia, and Japan.

Entire DVD collection by Sifu Jiang Jianye